
€ 33.85 € 22.00 EUR


This book provides a collection of Manolo Sanlúcar his falsetas to accompany singing. Many of these falsetas are not from his records. Manolo Sanlucar usually plays with his brother Isidro Muñoz and found it necessary to publish this book with some duets of the artistic collaboration with his brother. The CD is a compilation of the original recordings of all falsetas transcribed in this book.
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This book provides a collection of Manolo Sanlúcar his falsetas to accompany singing. Many of these falsetas are not from his records. Manolo Sanlucar usually plays with his brother Isidro Muñoz and found it necessary to publish this book with some duets of the artistic collaboration with his brother. The CD is a compilation of the original recordings of all falsetas transcribed in this book.


Manolo Sanlucar (Manuel Muñoz Alcón) was born in Sanlúcar de Barrameda in 1943. He is one of the most important guitarists of all times and along with Paco de Lucía and Serranito, he composed the triumvirate of the guitar revolution of the twentieth century. He took his first steps with la Bajañí alongside his father, the amateur Isidro Sanlúcar, who took him to Sevilla whilst still a child to listen to Pepe Pinto. El Pinto put him in front of José Tejada Martín, Pepe Marchena, who were surprised by his guitar playing, and in consequence was taken on tour by them to numerous countries. His first album was recorded with El Pinto and later he went on to accompany La Paquera de Jerez, with whom he also recorded. 

His symphonic tendencies have led him to compose two other important records: Trebujena (1987) and Aljibe (1992). However, Manolo Sanlúcar´s great masterpiece is Tauromagia, an album which, through music, the maestro attempts the narrative of the details of the national festival, bullfighting, being able to provoke true melodic images relating to the bull. Many experts, such as José Manuel Gamboa, don´t doubt in pointing out that this is the best record of flamenco guitar music in history. Last of all, Manolo Sanlúcar also recorded in 1999 Locura de brisa y trino, after having premiered it in the Biennial in 1998, along with the voice of Carmen Linares. He participated in Carlos Saura´s Sevillanas along with Paco de Lucía, his ´compadre´ and friend.

Soleá por arriba
Soleá por medio
Verdiales y Campanilleros
Tientos y Tangos
Siguiriya, Serrana y Petenera
Alegrías y Bulerías


€ 65.95

フラメンコギター巨匠シリーズ Sirimusa 第 5番目のリリースは、熟練のフラメンコギター奏者 ホセ・マヌエル・レオン。 

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DVDには、貴重なホセ・マヌエル・レオンのインタビューをはじめ、彼の類稀な才能が見て取れる若き時代、そして、彼のルーツやフラメンコにかかわる慣習、テクニックや音楽への哲学も収録されています。DVDには、すばらしいホセ・マヌエル・レオンのライブ映像などが含まれており、 20分にも及びます。

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