
€ 29.95 EUR


This is the first of a series of instructional books approaching the technique of flamenco guitar through progressive studies. Level beginners. These studies are designed for students who have taken the first steps in flamenco guitar technique and have learnt hand positioning and basic strokes. The studies are actually small fragments of flamenco compistions in a specific flamenco rhythm or style. In some, you will even encounter melodies from the cante (songs) like campanilleros, garrotin.. this will help the student to develop her/his knowledge of flamenco. Includes a CD with the studies recorded at a slower tempo than normal, a tempo that is approximately 20% slower than the tempo as marked on the included scores. Listen to the attached audio sample (see audio button below the pictures).
  • 説明
  • 仕様
  • 結合するには
  • オーディオ
  • 発送
  • お支払い方法のセキュリティーについて

This is the first of a series of instructional books approaching the technique of flamenco guitar through progressive studies. Level beginners.

These studies are designed for students who have taken the first steps in flamenco guitar technique and have learnt hand positioning and basic strokes. The studies are actually small fragments of flamenco compistions in a specific flamenco rhythm or style. In some, you will even encounter melodies from the cante (songs) like campanilleros, garrotin.. this will help the student to develop her/his knowledge of flamenco.

Includes a CD with the studies recorded at a slower tempo than normal, a tempo that is approximately 20% slower than the tempo as marked on the included scores. 

76 pages
English, French and Spanish.
Beginner level


€ 65.95

フラメンコギターの師ホセ・アントニオ・ロドリゲスが、新作書籍とDVD(コンサート楽曲『Guitarra Flamenca de Concierto – Solos de Guitarra』の楽譜と動画つき)を大公開。

www.joseantoniorodriguez.esと共同でFlamenco Guitar Masterシリーズ最新作(Max Herzogによる本物の1枚刷りの楽譜・タブ譜、La Sonantaによる高品質ビデオつき)をお届けします。

本やDVDとして利用できるこれらのレッスンでは、 ホセ・アントニオ・ロドリゲスがフラメンコギターのテクニックや奏法について教えてくれます。







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