
€ 14.75 EUR


A very simple cure for slipping and squeaking traditional wooden pegs. It only takes one drop to stop slipping pegs. Can be used without removing the pegs from the instrument. Instructions: Slightly loosen peg and easily pull out (no need to remove peg completely). Place a drop of the oil on the relevant peg and bring it as usual in its position again, wipe excess liquid directly. Instrument can be used immediately. However, the oil acts over a period of 12 hours until it exerts its effect optimally.
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Properly working pegs aren't normally a problem. But if you have a problem with the wood pegs slipping, you'll need to apply a few peg drops.


Get the string up to relative pitch. Insert peg and wipe off excess liquid or compound from peghead. If the peg seems to pop out, especially when it's been sitting in your case for some days, it probably has to do with temperature change and the quality of contact. Check if the peg is making good contact all the way around. Good contact is indicated by an even, shiny, burnished surface, 360 degrees, where wood meets wood. Pegs, being made of wood, naturally tend to shrink across the grain as they get old. Pegs can thus become oval in section with age, meaning they no longer contact fully all the way around. Use peg drops to ensure that the wooden pegs do not slip, settle in properly and hold perfect pitch. If still this doesn’t help, the best thing to do is get a qualified luthier check it out, to ensure your pegs match the hole perfectly.

  • Cures slipping and squeaking pegs
  • One drop application
  • Peg removal is not necessary
  • 15 gram (1/2 oz) plastic bottle

How to use:

1. Loosen peg
2. Slide peg out of peg box slightly (no need to remove the peg completely)
3. Apply one drop of Peg Drops to each peg at the point of contact inside the peg box
4. Insert peg and wipe off excess liquid from peg box


€ 41.28

Want the look of the traditional wooden flamenco guitar pegs and still have the easy tuning of modern machine heads? Want to tune more accurately? Want your guitar to stays in tune longer and quickly replace your strings? These geared flamenco guitar pegs with rosewood grip and mother of pearl inlay offer all these benefits.

The New Revolution in Tuning.

Like Lynn Harrell said: 'If I had these pegs 20 years ago, it would have saved me 5 years of tuning!'

Very easy, quick, effortless and very precise tuning (transmission ratio of 8,5 :1 compared to an ordinary peg). The Finetune-Peg needs not/must not be loosened or tightened in order to tune the Instrument, simply turn the head of the Finetune-Peg in the desired direction to tune precisely. No wear on peg and peghole, the shaft of the peg does not Spin, subsequently there is no friction and no maintenance needed for peg and peghole.




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