
€ 4,200.00 € 2,730.00 EUR

在庫: 在庫の

AVAILABLE NOW...Personal statement from Antonio..."As soon as you play a little the response is incredible, she is an extraordinary instrument with incredible good comfort, sweet, beautiful and lyrical sound, singing like a human voice, but awakens with a tremendous bite when pushed with the slightest flamenco touch". We are thrilled to have befriended Luthier Antonio Pisa from Valladolid Spain. He was able to show us a couple of flamenco guitars and we were immediately convinced, built entirely by hand with the utmost care in every detail, complete dedication to create a unique instrument made for the most demanding flamenco guitarists.
  • 説明
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  • 発送
  • お支払い方法のセキュリティーについて

AVAILABLE NOW...Personal statement from Antonio..."As soon as you play a little the response is incredible, she is an extraordinary instrument with incredible good comfort , sound and aesthetics". We are thrilled to have befriended Luthier Antonio Pisa from Valladolid Spain. He was able to show us a couple of flamenco guitars and we were immediately convinced, built entirely by hand with the utmost care in every detail, complete dedication to create a unique instrument made for the most demanding flamenco guitarists.

A punchy, lively, lightweight built and responsiveness flamenco blanca from Antonio Pisa with gorgeous spruce and cypress for the back and sides, easy playability with low action, comfortable neck and excellent craftsmanship. A soon to be fantastic and iconic instrument in every way. We are very pleased to be representing Antonio Pisa and can highly recommend this flamenco guitar to the most demanding flamenco players. An incredible value for the price.

  • 状態: 新しい
  • 在庫: 在庫の
  • ワニス: シェラック
  • 年: 2022
  • 国:
  • ケース: ハードケース
  • サドル幅: 52
  • ネック厚さ: 22
  • 目盛りの長さ: 650
  • 指板: 黒檀
  • バックとサイド: 固体サイプレス
  • トップ: トウヒ材
  • ギター用ペグ: Gotoh




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